R&d support
C&WBK brand has a strong technical strength and ability, with a professional R & D team, constantly explore innovation.
Technical support
Can provide technical support within 24 hours, and can help customers design selection, fundamentally solve the problem of customer selection.
Production guarantee
C&WBK brand is a domestic high-end brand, and has a certain popularity in China, stable quality.
Inventory support
We can provide “One-package Services” from Ordering, Supplying till After-sales Services, to fully and rapidly meet the customers’ requirements on special references and bulk purchase.
Management guarantee
Have a set of modern systems from import, sales, storage, financial management to rigorous system analysis and decision-making, from service to network management.
Logistics support
The company is located in the trade port Dalian, the traffic is developed, the delivery is convenient and fast; On-time delivery rate of up to 100%.